Mar 20, 2025
Extra documentation will be required to renew or upgrade a Commercial Driver’s License
By Shay Lelonek / Asst. News Director
WRIGHT CTY., Minn. — Starting Thursday, March 20, 2025, those who have a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) will need more documentation than before to renew their licenses or to upgrade their licenses.
According to the Wright County License Center, driver’s license offices across the state will be unable to accept applications without proof of domicile and proof of residency documentation.
Applicants will have to provide one document from each category.
Proof of domicile presence documentation includes:
- U.S. birth certificate
- U.S. Passport
- Form I-551 MRIV for permanent residents only
- Certificate of naturalization
- Temporary I-551 stamp
- Certificate of citizenship
- Report or certificate of birth abroad
- An I-551 permanent resident card.
Proof of residence documentation includes:
- Employment pay stub
- Home utility bill
- Current military orders
- Current Year Minnesota property tax statement
- A Minnesota vehicle certificate of title
- A mortgage document/purchase agreement
- A current residential lease agreement
- Prior year W-2 tax form
One document of each category will be required for renewals, Commercial Learners Permits, transferring a CDL license to Minnesota, or upgrading a CDL license.