Nov 8, 2022

Have an Opinion on Driving Safety on Highway 10 Between St. Cloud and Clear Lake?

By Jo McMullen / KVSC reporter

Do you commute or drive often on Highway 10 between Clear Lake and St. Cloud? If so, you may be just the person to share your opinions on driving safely in this stretch of a busy Highway.

The Minnesota Department of Transportation wants feedback on potential low, medium and high cost concept solutions. They’re hosting an open session on Wednesday, November 9 for a corridor study between Clear Lake and St. Cloud. The meet and greet will take place from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. at the Haven Town Hall on 45th Avenue Southeast in St. Cloud.

If you go, you can come and go as there is not a formal presentation. It’s an opportunity to share your experiences and ideas.

MnDOT’s corridor study of Highway 10 covers the area from 15th Avenue Southeast near the St. Cloud Reformatory to Highway 24 in Clear Lake.

The goal of the study is to identify future safety and access needs throughout this highway segment.

MnDOT plans to analyze current and future demographics, land use, development and safety data to support the recommended improvements.

The study should be wrapped up in 2023. 

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