Aug 24, 2021
KVSC’S 2022 Trivia Weekend Theme: LITerally Trivia: A Novel Idea
KVSC’s 43rd Edition of Trivia Weekend is just a page turn away… so grab your library card and prepare to Choose Your Own Adventure, as KVSC presents… LITerally Trivia: A Novel Idea.
Rally your book club February 18th through the 20th, and dust off that copy of your favorite horror story you read under the covers by flashlight, or break out the best of those coming of age novels you once used as middle school book report fodder. It’s time to prepare for a weekend full of trivia about all things literature.

The Trivia Writing Librarians have cataloged an assortment of horror, mystery, romance, YA, children’s books, fantasy, suspense, poetry, biographies, and memoirs – just about anything that can fit between two covers… to test your book smarts.
The Phone Bank Volunteer Curators will be gathered at their desks with Great Expectations for your Much A Do About Nothing answers, as you spend the weekend consuming the tables of contents, prefaces, chapters and prologues of an encyclopedic literary compendium.
Head to the circulation desk to check-out more reading materials about LITerally Trivia: A Novel Idea.