Jan 11, 2023

St. Cloud Rep. Dan Wolgamott Appointed Speaker Pro Tempore

By Jakub Blum / KVSC reporter

St. Cloud Democrat Dan Wolgamott has been appointed as the Speaker Pro Tempore in the Minnesota State House. 

The Speaker Pro Tempore takes on the duties in the absence of the speaker. This can include managing the House Floor and ruling on legislative debates.

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Wolgamott is currently serving his third term having been elected to the House in 2018. In addition to his leadership role, Wolgamott says that he’s serving as Vice Chair of the House Higher Education committee, along with the House’s Labor and Industry, Rules and Administration and Capital Investment committees.

In November the Democratic Farm Labor party maintained a majority in the MN House, re-elected Governor Tim Walz and gained a new one vote majority in the MN Senate. The House and Senate leaders unveiled their priorities for this session and they include Reproductive Freedom, Paid Family Leave and Earned Sick Time, Climate and Clean Energy and Education.

Wolgamott adds that he looks forward to keeping everyone in the loop on the bills that the House advances on.

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