Jan 9, 2024

Tips on how to save energy and money this winter season

By Zac Chapman / Assistant News Director

With the temperatures dropping, our energy bills are rising.

Winter heating can account for about half of a typical customer’s monthly energy costs. But there are ways to lower your energy bill while still staying safe this winter.

Xcel Energy offered several tips on how to save money and energy during the colder months:

  • Lower the thermostat between 65 and 70 degrees while home, and 58 degrees when away.
  • Open drapes and blinds to maximize heat from direct sunlight during the day, and close them to retain heat when it’s dark.
  • Run ceiling fans in a clockwise direction to push warm air down. 
  • Ensure exterior doors and windows are fully closed and latched shut. Using window sealing kits can be also be a low-cost way to further prevent heat loss.
  • Keep interior doors open to help circulate air more freely and maintain consistent heating levels.
  • Change out dirty furnace filters to promote better airflow and reduce the energy usage. Replacing the filter once a month during the winter can reduce heating costs by 5-15%.  
  • And: Improving the insulation of walls, crawl spaces, floors and heating ducts can save up to 10% on a home’s monthly energy bill. 

Xcel Energy encourages customers who are having trouble paying their energy bills this winter to reach out about payment plans or energy assistance programs.

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