Nov 14, 2022
Winter in Minnesota Has Arrived!
By Alexander Fern / Assist. News Director
Snow has begun to fall across Minnesota, which paired with the December like temperatures, means that winter is close.
Retired SCSU Meteorologist Bob Weisman says a line of slow moving winter-like storms is moving across Minnesota today. This will continue the ongoing chances of light and/or intermediate snowfall across the state and into the arrowhead.
The system will move through today and into tonight. After that one dissipates, don’t think that we are in the clear, as there are two more systems that could carry snowfall all the way into Thursday. Weisman says this will most likely produce a longer-lived snow cover in much of Minnesota, since temperatures aren’t likely to climb above freezing widely until next week.
For more details about which storm does what when and what temperatures will arrive here when, visit the SCSU website for the complete forecast.