Oct 24, 2023

Youth hunter accidentally shoots dad in Becker Twp.

By Grace Jacobson / News Director

BECKER TWP., Minn. — Sherburne County Sheriffs say a man was accidentally shot in the leg while supervising his daughter out hunting.

It happened just before 8 a.m. on Sunday near Snake River in Becker Township.

Sheriffs say a 45-year-old man was supervising his 13-year-old daughter in a deer stand.

His daughter had an apprentice hunter validation and was participating in a DNR youth hunting event that allows supervised children to hunt with firearms before the traditional deer hunting opener.

They say she shot a deer when she accidentally fired a second shot in her dad’s leg.

The man is currently being treated at North Memorial Hospital.

Area of the 18000 Block of 118th Street Southeast in Becker Twp. where incident happened.

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